
Abd Kouzali

Abd qualified from the University of Manchester. He holds the title of Senior Clinical Fellow in Oral and Maxillofacial surgery at the Royal Blackburn Hospital. Where he carries out all aspects of complex oral surgery on patients. He is also involved in the treatment and management of patients with head and neck cancer and trauma. He is involved in supervising core trainees in carrying out oral surgery.

Abd also holds positions of ‘clinical lead in oral surgery’ at local dental practices. His role includes treatment and management of patients referred by local dentists for routine and complex oral surgery. Abd was also employed by Kings College London as a clinical tutor teaching and supervising undergraduate students delivering oral surgery.

With his background in surgery, Abd continued his professional development in Implant Dentistry. He has attended many international courses and attained high-level certificates in implant dentistry. Abd has devoted much time and effort to his post graduate studies. He has achieved a two post graduate diploma in oral surgery and implant dentistry from the prestigious royal college of surgeons (England). He is in the middle of completing an international masters in implant dentistry from the world renowned Rey Juan Carlos University.

Abd’s devotion and dedication to the field of implants allows him to accept routine and complex referrals. Abd accepts referrals for full arch implants, sinus grafting and bone block grafting. He accepts referrals from numerous dental practices in Manchester, Liverpool and Cheshire.

Abd is also qualified in providing Intravenous sedation for anxious patients. His calm and relaxing manner has always been a commendable trait expressed by many patients.

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